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Funeral Plans - from DKV.

Making arrangements for your funeral is often an uncomfortable topic for some families to discuss but the importance of doing this, especially here in Spain, simply cannot be overstated. The burden of high funeral costs when payment is required immediately and at a time when bank accounts are often frozen, the worry and stress of all the arrangements at a time of great upset, coping with the speed with which these things are done in Spain and attempting to handle all of this with the added pressure of a different language and culture, is often too much for your surviving partner or family members. Making sensible, planned arrangements is an act of love, from you to them.

Single Premium Policy

The funeral insurance guarantees a funeral service on the demise of the insured person, as well as the management of all necessary procedures upon death: administrative and legal procedures, transfers to any place in Spain and international repatriation. The funeral insurance also takes into account 9 principles set by Fundación Tierra, which are based on environmental criteria to guide and facilitate the planning of a low environmental impact burial: reduction in waste products, in non-biodegradable artificial components, in toxic chemical products, in consumption of non-renewable energy, in polluting emissions, incorporating locally produced and certified natural products and materials; we also offer in-person or telephone consultations with a psychologist to take care of the rest of the family's emotional health, among other healthcare cover.

Regular Premium Policy

The funeral insurance guarantees a funeral service on the demise of the insured person, as well as the management of all necessary procedures upon death: administrative and legal procedures, transfers to any place in Spain and international repatriation. The funeral insurance also takes into account 9 principles set by Fundación Tierra, which are based on environmental criteria to guide and facilitate the planning of a low environmental impact burial: reduction in waste products, in non-biodegradable artificial components, in toxic chemical products, in consumption of non-renewable energy, in polluting emissions, incorporating locally produced and certified natural products and materials; we also offer in-person or telephone consultations with a psychologist to take care of the rest of the family's emotional health, among other healthcare cover.
