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To support your Residencia, Non-Lucrative or Golden Visa Application, the policy must be a full medical policy WITH NO EXTRA PAYMENTS i.e. "co-pagos".

  • DKV Integral ELITE - this is the most popular and cheapest option.
  • DKV MundiSalud ELITE or PREMIUM - these have the added benefit of giving you access to any clinic or hospital ANYWHERE in the World.
  • DKV Top Health - and as the name suggests, you get TOP benefits with 100% of all accepted medical bills paid for, from any clinic or hospital ANYWHERE in the World.
  • These are extra charges for services used - "co-pagos". There are different levels of co-payments depending on what policy you have.

    Click here - to see a list of co-payments.

    YES - Some policies cover you in any DKV associated clinic or hospital throughout Spain, other policies cover you for any clinic or hospital in the World.

    YES - there are several DKV Health policies that provide Worldwide cover e.g. MundiSalud, Residente and TOP HEALTH

    The usual exclusion/waiting periods are;-

  • 6 months for operations, unless the injury is the result of an accident or is a life threatening situation.
  • 8 months for the birth of a baby.
  • 12 months for transplants and the fitting of artificial limbs.

  • These exclusion/waiting periods can be removed, if you are transferring from another policy and can show the last 2 months receipts.
  • The policy start date will be shown on the top right of the first page of your policy.

    ALL policies automatically renew each year. The renewal date with either be the same day/month each year from when you started the policy or it will be the default date of January 1, each year.

    Check your policy document to be sure.

    Your DKV plastic card will be sent to your home address and should arrive within 5 working days.
    Alternatively, download the DKV ACTIVA APP on your phone, then you have access to your details all the time.

    With the APP, you can order a new physical card or a temporary card (this is an authorization that is sent to you by e-mail in PDF format and can be used for a month from the date of issue) and you have access to all your medical details.

    This is DKV's Health and Wellness Club. By taking out a health, home, life (or death with the Serviplus pack) insurance policy with DKV Seguros, you will have access to multiple discounts and benefits in health and wellness services for your whole family.

    An authorization is required for complex diagnostic tests and treatments, ambulance transfers, prostheses and implants, psychotherapy sessions, preventive programs or check-ups, as well as hospital admissions.

    Authorisations are normally obtained by the hospital or clinic direct from DKV. If you are asked to get one, question why you are being asked to do this.

    Contact DKV on 902-499-499 or by WhatsApp: 960-160-602 (9:00-21:00 hrs, Monday - Friday).

    You must provide;-

  • A talon (like the old Visa Zip-zap slips) which have a request code on them.
  • The name of the doctor.
  • The address of the clinic or hospital where you are going.
  • The medical reason or procedure the authorization is required.
  • Sometimes a medical report is also requested, which the clinic or hospital will give you.
  • Click HERE for a list of associated clinics and hospitals in Tenerife.

    Click HERE to search for a center near where you live.

    --- --- ---

    Clinics & Hospitals in Tenerife South

    Hospiten Sur (The Green Clinic) 24/7
    Tel: 922-777-760
    Calle Siete Islas 8, las Americas
    E-Mail: sur@hospiten.com
    Web Site: Click HERE

    Clinica Vida
    Monday - Fridays
    Tel: 922-757-171
    Avenida Juan Carlos I, Edif San Marino (Near Bus stop, Los Cristianos
    E-mail: unknown
    Web Site: Click HERE 

    Palm Mar - Medical Center
    09:00-19.00 Mon - Friday; 09:00-14:00 Saturday
    Tel: 922-897-432 or 642-005-950
    Avenida el Palm Mar 66, Local 1, Palm Mar, Arona
    E-mail: info@palmmarmedicalcenter.com
    Web Site: Click HERE 

    Axan Clinic
    09:00-14.00 & 16:00-20.00
    Monday - Fridays
    Tel: 922-176-159
    Avenida Principes de España 15, el Medano
    E-mail: info@grupoaiku.com
    Web Site: Click HERE 

    Eurofins Megalab - Blood analysis with DKV Authorisation
    Tel: 922-390-134
    Avda de Santa Cruz 128, San Isidro 38611
    Tel: 922-793-551
    Calle Barranquillo 2, Los Cristianos (opposite Church Square)
    E-mail: informacion.canarias@ctes.eurofinseu.com
    Web Site: Click HERE

    QuironSalud Adeje
    Tel: 922-752-626
    Urban. San Eugenio s/n
    E-mail: info.costaadeje@quiron.es
    Web Site: Click HERE

    C C Zentral Centre
    Tel: 922 102 202
    Av Antonio Dominguez 5, las Americas
    E-mail: NONE
    Web Site: Click HERE

    All policies automatically renew each year.

    The insurance company will send you a renewal notification 2 months prior to the renewal date.

    The Spanish law requires a customer to give the insurance company at least 1 months' notice in writing ( i.e. by letter, e-mail or burofax), supported with legal identity papers, prior to the renewal of the policy.

    This CANNOT be done by telephone or a WhatsApp message.

    If you have a MundiSalud, Residentes or TOP HEALTH policy, you can use any clinic or hospital anywhere in the World.

  • DKV 24H: 900-810-072
  • DKV Ambulance: 900-810-074 or 976-996-990
  • Customer Support: 900-810-073
  • WhatsApp: 960-160-602
  • 24 hour doctor: 976-991-199
  • APP Support: 930-098-961
  • Worldwide Assistance: (+34)913-790-434
  • Reimbursement issues: 976-814-983 or 900-814-390
  • e-mail: atencionalcliente@dkvseguros.es

    Ring 900-101-369.

    You will be asked the following details;

  • The car registration number or policy number.
  • What appears to be wrong with the car.
  • Where you are.
  • Where you need to take the car.
  • If you have any other people with you.
  • Call CAR GLASS on WhatsApp (+34) 669-569-535 or (+34) 935-617-187 or take the car directly to them. They have a workshop in Las Chafiras.

    Alternatively, call our office on (+34) 922-735-672 for our staff to arrange an appointment with them for you.

    A picture paints a thousand words!

  • DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING if you do not understand it - or if the police insist, sign it and write across it that you do not agree or understand it.
  • Take a photo of any police report.
  • The accident should be reported to the insurance company or us, as your agent, as soon as possible.
  • If anyone is injured you should call for an ambulance 112.
  • If you later feel unwell e.g. dizzy, or sick etc. and think it is due to the accident, you have 72 hours to go to a medical centre and still be able to claim injuries.
  • Take a photo of the vehicles involved - ensure the registration number(s) can be read.
  • Complete an Accident Claim form - this does NOT need to be in Spanish. ENGLISH FORM or SPANISH FORM
  • Get a copy of the other driver's license and if they refuse, a photo of them.
  • If you need any assistance to talk to the other person or the police you can call our office (+34) 922-735-672
  • Click HERE for a list of Support numbers.

    All policies automatically renew each year.

    The insurance company will send you a renewal notification 2 months prior to the renewal date.

    You can make a payment by calling the office on 922-735-672 and paying by card over the phone, call into the offcie and pay in cash or by doing a bank transfer to our Clients' Account with IBAN: ES95-2100-6794-6722-0007-4306 quoting your name and/or policy number as a reference.
    NOTE: We accept no responsibility for any bank charges that may be levied on payments received.

    The Spanish law requires a customer to give the insurance company at least 1 months' notice in writing ( i.e. by letter, burofax or e-mail to info@tenerifeinsurance.biz), supported with legal identity papers, prior to the renewal of the policy.

    This CANNOT be done by telephone or a WhatsApp message.

    Specifically, the Law on Insurance Contracts (Act 50/80 of 8 October) as amended by the Law on the Regulation, Supervision and Solvency of Insurers (Act 20/2015 of 14 July).

    Click HERE for details of how UK registered cars are reported to UK authorities and the advantages this gives you.

    At the time of publishing, these are the latest versions in ENGLISH and Español.

    BOAT Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    CAR Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    COMMUNITY Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    HOME Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    LIFE Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    PET Insurance - ENGLISH or Español.

    Provisional licences do not exist in Spain and provisional licences from other EU countries are therefore not valid to drive here.

    AM license - for mopeds and vehicles for people with reduced mobility: 15 years (a moped driver may not carry a passenger until the age of 18). The AM category license is specifically for mopeds and scooters, and allows you to ride a vehicle up to 50cc, with a maximum speed of 45km/h (28mph).

    A1 license - motorbikes with a maximum power of 11kW and an engine up to 125cc: min. 16 years of age.

    A2 license - motorbikes with a maximum power of 35kW a power-to-weight ratio of under 0.2kW/kg: min. 18 years of age.

    A license - all motorbikes, with at least two years experience driving motorbikes of category A1 vehicles: min. 20 years of age.

    B license - vehicles with a maximum weight of 3,500 Kg and with a maximum of 9 seats including the driver’s: min. 18 years of age.

    C license - vehicles with weight over 3,500 Kg: min. 21 years of age.

    C1 license - vehicles between 3,500kg and 7,500kg carrying no more than 8 passengers plus driver with trailer up to 750kg: min. 21 years of age.

    D license - (vehicles for the transport of passengers): min. 24 years of age.

    BTP license - special purpose vehicles like ambulance, school transport buses, fire truck, police vehicles and taxis – must have had Permit B for at least a year.

    With a B license you are allowed to drive mopeds and micro cars as well, and once you´ve held it for 3 years minimum, motor cycles up to 125 cc too.

    Click HERE for full details of what categories.

    N.B. - The official date of 29/09/2023 has now been postponed, but no official notification has been released ( as of 14/09/2023) from when it will now apply.

    WHEN this law is activated all dogs will need to be insured - Minimum coverage of 120.000€ Public Liability .

    All owners will be required to take a Dog Handlers course, which is FREE and can be done online. This must be completed within 2 years.

    Option 1 - Add up to 4 dogs to your existing HOME insurance policy. For non-dangerous classified dogs, this is FREE of charge. For dogs classified as dangerous, either because of their breed or because they are over 20kgs in weight, they can be added for an additional cost of about 28€

    Option 2 - Take out a PET policy. Public Liability of 200,000€ - from 76€ per annum. The dog can also be covered for accidents, illness and death, for an additional premium.

    Option 3 - Take out a Public Liability insurance policy. This costs approximately 55€ for non- dangerous dogs and 75€ for dangerous dogs. The more dogs, the lower the cost per dog.

    Click HERE to read the official boletin (in Spanish).



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    Policies cover people up to 79 years of age.

    There is a long list of pre-existing conditions that are covered.

    Click HERE for more details.

    Click HERE for Summary of Covers.

    Click HERE for a detailed Table of Benefits.

    Claims Procedure details.

    Click HERE for more details.

      Let us know if you would like any Question / Answer added to this page:   Submit ideas here.
